Tag Archives: Nobuo Uematsu
Editorial: The Nobuo Review Part Two: Final Fantasy IX OST
Editorial: Final Fantasy VI: Over 17 Years Later for the First Time
Editorial: The Nobuo Review Part One: Final Fantasy VII OST
Review: Ash
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SRRN’s Ash is an incredible game. There are times when one intuitively knows that they are playing the creation of someone who truly loves their respective genre; Ash is one such game. Gameplay/structure The kindest thing that one could say about Ash’s gameplay is that it gets the job done. It doesn’t burden the player more »
MAP Episode 54: Where’s the News?
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News: We’re Poor, Old, and Pissing Ourselves…Lusipurr.com Nursing Home Edition!
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Time to Say ‘Sayonara’ to Nippon Ichi? The developer of such great games as Disgaea, La Pucelle, and Phantom Brave has found themselves in dire straits this week. When their share holders got word that the latter half of 2009 brought a 97.5% reduction in profits, a massive sell-off began. In a single day, their more »