TSM Episode 247: The Age of Stereo

By Lusipurr
Note: the presence of family and/or furniture is not compatible with Microsoft Kinect.

The Microsoft Xbox One launches to some acclaim from some people, and less acclaim from other people. Lusipurr, SiliconNooB, and Mel tear the PlayStation 4 apart and evaluate costs. Microsoft Xbone Television is discussed: Welcome to the age of STEREO!

TSM Episode 105: Xbox One-eighty

By Lusipurr
A Microsoft slain by hubris would have provided an object lesson for the industry--a salutary lesson on what happens to companies when they attack consumer rights. Now, that lesson will not be taught and, we fear, will go unlearned.

After a week of harsh industry commentary on the rolling nightmare that is Microsoft’s Xbone conundrum, Messrs. Don ‘Alf’ Mattrick and Co. perform the most astonishing volte-face since New Coke, shocking Lusipurr into purchasing both a Wii U and a PSVita!

TSM Episode 74: Worst Box Art Ever

By Lusipurr
Each Pac-Cookie contains 2750% of the Recommended Daily Allowance of Cocaine. Not a significant source of fiber or petroleum.

Lusipurr and friends dial M for humour, and come up trumps with a selection of the worst box art ever. Everyone knows that the best way to deal with art on a podcast is to describe it in detail to the listeners, so the panelists set about doing just that!