MAP Episode 100: Achievement Unlocked!

By Lusipurr

Produced 2011.01.23 In a podcast described as “better than Shakespeare”, the staff and guests assemble to celebrate the completion of one hundred episodes of the Megaphones Ahoy! Podcast, replete with fart noises, horns, and a phone call to the Montok. Enjoy!

MAP Episode 91: Vanillecast

By Lusipurr
This may be the most awesome thing I have ever seen. No, wait. It is. It is the most awesome thing I have ever seen. Stunning and beautiful.

Produced 2010.11.14 It’s not all smiles and sunshine when Lusipurr and SiliconNooB evaluate the fate of PC Gaming, the large corporate model of console game development, and the Global Activision Media Empire. And Final Fantasy XIV watch continues! Let’s see some fireworks!

Feature: Worst Game of 2009

By Lusipurr is pleased to announce that Tony Hawk: Ride has been named the Worst Game of 2009! In a year of stiff competition, with shovelware and garbage released on every current system, Tony Hawk: Ride managed to beat out all comers. With a hefty one hundred dollar price tag and a premise which leaves one more »

MAP Episode 23: Goodbye, Riddlethos!

By Lusipurr

Produced 2009.07.19 Lusipurr finally fires Oliver and Ethan in this overstuffed podcast, chock-a-block with news of every variety. Oliver won’t shut up, and Ethan is a pansy. The result: termination, effective immediately. Good riddance! Bonus Link: This Week’s Special Outro Music