Editorial: PS VR Disappointed

By Adeki
For the low price of over $500 players can experience a virtual Alfred.

Adeki straps on his Playstation VR headset and experiences a virtual reality where the games being released on it are actually good. Unfortunately, he later got motion sickness, so now he is back in reality to critique current PSVR games. Read on!

TSM Episode 398: Nuts and Dolts

By Lusipurr
The future is a piece of shit.

Lusipurr and Sebastian discuss Super Metroid, the reasons to avoid Virtual Reality, the Apple vs. Microsoft rivalry, great television programmes of the 1980s, and the nutritional content of nuts, in an effort to dissuade Lane from buying out the site.

Editorial: Bugs Can Not Bug a Dancer

By Adeki
Shame that it turned out he stole hair from the homeless.

Adeki decides to de-evolve even further from a weird type of primordial human to a bug-sized creature in order to live among his newest editorial subject. Do bugs just bug gamers? Or can bugs lead gaming into a new revolution? Read on to find out!