Review: Headlander

By Adeki
Headlander SLIDER

Whoops! It looks like Adeki’s Headless Horseman costume went a little too far and now his head popped off! In order to figure out how to make himself whole again Adeki is recounting his experiences with the game Headlander. Might as well review it too!

Videos: Reetin Cannot Read

By Reetin
Overwatch Tracer SLIDER

This week we have Imitanis who plays Heroes of the Storm, Reetin plays Final Fantasy 1, Durga enjoys Cuphead, and then numerous staff members fight terrifying robots in Lusipurr’s and Adeki’s Overwatch streams.

Editorial: Create and Play Games

By Adeki
Super Mario Maker Screenshot 01 SLIDER

Adeki did not have time to create an excerpt for this editorial so instead he is entrusting the readers to use his personal dictionary to craft their own excerpt. He is too busy playing games that let you create other games from within. Read on!