TSM Episode 32: Mexican Platinum

By Lusipurr
Ninja interdiction AUTHORISED. Orders: Search and destroy. ENGAGE.

Still reeling from the week’s expose on notorious cheater and sneak Louis “I Downloaded My Platinums on the Internet” Vazquez, the panel manages to scrape together some news with the help of veteran podcaster and cat expert, Chris ‘Siamese’ Privitere.

Review: Final Fantasy XIII

By Deimosion
As usual, the logo for the game is pleasant to look at.

With the American release of Final Fantasy XIII-2 on the horizon, Daniel decides to look back on the controversial XIII. Does he think XIII worth playing, or a game that should have been forgotten? Read on and find out!

TSM Episode 31: Dalekcast

By Lusipurr
In addition to an army of ninjas, Lusipurr also maintains a personal arsenal of Daleks.

The Lusipurr.com Worst of the Year Awards are presented in a podcast covering the Fallout MMO Rights, EA’s decision that Mass Effect 3 must be on Origins, and the downfall of SOPA and PIPA, the podcast seeks to EXTERMINATE EXTERMINATE EXTERMINATE!