MAP Episode 67: Educational Programming

By Lusipurr
The correct answer to

Produced 2010.05.30 With all of the usual panelists on the bus to E3, only Lusipurr and Ginia remain behind to cover the news. Luckily, guest panelist Eric Jordan has remained behind as well. The three cover the news, educationally, with all the puns that are fit to podcast.

Julian “SiliconNooB” Taylor

By SiliconNooB

Greetings gentlemen (and KJew), Well might you wonder what nefarious happenstance has led to my appointment to the vaunted position of tenured columnist, happily that is not your concern. Suffice it to say money changed hands, reputations were tarnished, and a number of vastly more qualified applicants were in one way or another utterly more »

Feature: The Summer of X^3

By Lusipurr
X^3: Reunion takes place in an alternate reality of Final Fantasy VII, in which the Jenova Reunion was not prevented. is pleased(!?) to present THE SUMMER OF X^3. X^3: Reunion is the highly-rated sequel to X^2: The Threat. A 2008 space trading and combat simulator, it is available on Steam, and natively for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. The player controls a spaceship of their own choosing for the purposes of exploration, trade, more »

News: Motion-Controlled War Morons

By Biggs

Microsoft Has Weaknesses?! NO WAI! Ya rly, nerds of the internet. Two high-level employees announced this week that they will be leaving in the fall;  Entertainment and Devices Division Chief Technology Officer J. Allard and the division president Robbie Bach both saw Microsoft through the development of the XBox brand both turned in their resignations. more »

Editorial: Now Accepting Donations to Help Cure Gaming Burnout

By Ginia

Hello, my lovelies. Alas, this post will likely be lengthily-challenged (short is a naughty word in Ginialand). The site playthrough of FFX has destroyed my gaming bliss. Really, the game slithered out of my PS3, reacghed into my torso and proceeded to yank out my bliss, spit on it, throw it down, stomp on it more »

Editorial: My First Foray Into an MMO

By Bup

Many of our longtime readers and listeners already know that I am not a fan of World of Warcraft or MMOs in general.  Lately a few of my friends have tried to get me into playing WoW, even going so far as to offer to just take my laptop and power level my character so more »

MAP Episode 66: Cosporn Deviance

By Lusipurr
Rumour has it that you can unlock a secret dress-sphere for Yuna in FFX-2: The Pole-Dancer.

Produced 2010.05.23 Once again, the internet manages to sidetrack the panel into a discussion of matters unsavoury. News of GameStop DLC, LittleBigPlanet 2, and 3D PS3 games round out the news. Meanwhile, a quote from FFX-2: “BROTHER: Naked Yuna? I want to see!”

Feature: The Summer of X-2

By Lusipurr
Good God, what an abomination. How will we ever earn forgiveness for this? is pleased(!) to present THE SUMMER OF X-2. Following up on the huge and inexplicable success of Final Fantasy X, Square Enix began the first direct sequel in the history of the Final Fantasy franchise. After lengthy research and opinion samples taken from wealthy young ladies in the 12-14 age bracket, the development team more »

News: Integrity is Nonsense

By Biggs
FF13 Table

Squeenix Dominates ALL I wish I could apologize for a large chunk of this week’s news being related to Square Enix… but that would not only require admitting that I am wrong (never!) but would also involve there being other worthy news this week. The corporate overlords released their financial numbers this week to find more »