Editorial: Nintendo Director

By Mel
He would even eschew an E3 press conference in favor of this format.

This week, Mel looks back at the works of former company president and CEO Satoru Iwata. Mel recounts the achievements of a beloved games personality lost to the company and to the world much too soon.

TSM Episode 321: Nintendoporn

By Lusipurr

When SiliconNooB drinks too much Australian Water, he finds himself unable to rise from bed. Heartened by an English test victory, Lusipurr assists his soaked co-host, and Bup joins them with a novel plan to help solve all of Nintendo’s many problems.

Editorial: Club Nintendo Exits Stage Left

By Java
Club Nintendo demands all hands on deck to clear out old merch from the warehouse.

Java may have to break his habit of signing up for loyalty programs and never using them as Club Nintendo begins to board up the windows and lock the doors. Climbing down from his New 3DS XL AC adapter windmill, he had this to say about the new offerings.

TSM Episode 307: Testimonial

By Lusipurr

Drafted by the unanimous vote of the readers, Imitanis is sucked into being Lusipurr’s Garrison Moneybag. Before they set off on new Adventures in Warcraft, they are joined by Bup for an informative discussion about the effects cross-platform development.

TSM Episode 272: Friendship

By Lusipurr
A.K.A. Do the Evil, Deny the Evil, and Observe the Evil.

Lusipurr is the subject of a patent lawsuit when Mel claims that he invented being wrong and that Lusipurr now owes him royalties. SiliconNooB takes the case, emphatically proving to Chief Justice Iliya that Lusipurr has never been wrong. Case dismissed!

Editorial: Oculus Grift

By Regg
So reality!

In the wake of Facebook purchasing the Oculus Rift, tech fans have taken to the web to express their dismay. Meanwhile, Regg is completely apathetic about the whole thing. Why? Look inside to find out!