TSM Episode 68: Punchbeginning

By Lusipurr
But if it WERE a metaphor, Lusipurr would be Punch, and his staff members would be the various people that Punch remorselessly bludgeons to death (Ethos would be Judy).

Lusipurr invents the Punchbeginner without any help at all from Blitzmage, much to the chagrin of the latter. Feeling that the Red Menace has grown too big for his boots, SiliconNooB puts his foot down and, with the aid of Deimosion, victory is a shoe-in.

MAP Episode 113: Goodbup

By Lusipurr
Now what will we do with all of our extra macaroni cheese?

Produced 2011.04.24 Nate ‘Bup’ Liles bids the site a fond adieu, replete with farts on a scale never-before-heard. The rest of the panel assembles to bid him well, including special guests Ginia and Reetin. Now I can finally have a proper website again. Ha ha! HA HA! HAHAHA!