Microsoft attempts to talk up their poor Xbone numbers, rumour control is deployed in defense of the Wii U, and Titanfall has precious little effect on the Xbone’s fortunes in the news of the week!
Double Fine disapproves of Steam sales, EA apologises for mocking the Wii U, and the sales of Final Fantasy X/X-2 surpass Lightning Returns in the news of the week!
Akihiko Yoshida leaves Square Enix, PS3 owners like their porn, and poor COD sales causes Activision to offer up some weak excuses in the news of the week!
Lightning Returns and Mario 3D World experience dismal sales in their domestic market, the Xbone hobbles out of the post-launch gate, and Atlus is given free reign over Sega’s dormant IP in the news of the week!
Sony spends up on exclusive content for PS4, Sony supports the localisation of Japanese content, and the Austalian ratings board once again embarrasses itself terribly in the news of the week!
A new Final Fantasy Tactics game is announced… for mobile, Nintendo performance is marked down as poor in their yearly reporting, and Iwata becomes the NoA CEO in the news of the week.
Final Fantasy X HD will include an enhanced version of Final Fantasy X-2, the next Xbox looks to strangle consumers with DRM, and Richard Garriott claims to be the world’s best game designer in the news of the week.
Ethos finally got around to playing that Journey game that everybody seemed to like so gosh darn much. Ethos goes nuts for Flower, so his adoration for Journey should be a no-brainer, right? …Right?