TSM Episode 449: Octarine

By Lusipurr
Rincewind and the Tourist Colour of Magic SLIDER

Lusipurr, Adeki, and SiliconNooB review the latest autumn anime offerings, comment on the recent surprise release of Ben Stokes’ Punch-Out!!, report pertinent news about Nintendo and Square Enix, and seek to discover the Colour of Magic.

TSM Episode 443: Sausage Break

By Lusipurr
Everyone loves a sausage! But no one loves them as much as Lusipurr.

Sonic Mania and Starcraft Remastered release to widespread acclaim, perplexing Lusipurr because he cannot find anything significant to hate. But SiliconNooB and Imitanis save the day by unveiling the one thing guaranteed to fuel Lusipurr’s rage: Adeki.

TSM Episode 442: Prime Time

By Lusipurr
Disgaea SLIDER

With the (likely disappointing) release of Sonic Mania on the horizon, Lusipurr, Reetin, and SiliconNooB take a break from spreading lies, misinformation, and rumours, and instead offer listeners some consumer advice about how to use Amazon Prime.