Tag Archives: NES
News: Wii U News That Is Only 2/3 Bad
Editorial: Good For a Challenge, or Just Bad Game DEEEERPSIGN?

Today I’m going to talk to you about the difficulty of games. More specifically I’m going to talk to you about the fairness of difficulty in games, and the point at which we should draw the line between a good challenge and user-friendly game design. It is not the intention of this editorial to critique more »
Editorial: Old-School Nostalgia

I recently saw the movie Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (which was excellent and you should all see it like eighty times), which started a conversation between a friend and I about old-school videogames and our memories with them. This in turn made me bust out my old NES and Super Mario Bros. 3. The more »
Julian “SiliconNooB” Taylor
Greetings gentlemen (and KJew), Well might you wonder what nefarious happenstance has led to my appointment to the vaunted position of Lusipurr.com tenured columnist, happily that is not your concern. Suffice it to say money changed hands, reputations were tarnished, and a number of vastly more qualified applicants were in one way or another utterly more »