Tag Archives: Mac
News: In the Business of Disappointment
News: Portal 2 DLC Launches
News: PAX Watch 2011
News: Borderlands 2 Announced and Detailed
News: Valve Announces Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Review: The Tiny Bang Story

What ho, Lusipurr.com readers! May the blessings of the Bright Potato and his Buttery Disciples be with you this and every day. I am back and ready to assail you with more stimulating discussion about potatoes, The Sims, and Harvest Moon. Huzzah! We shall begin our writer/reader relationship anew today with a review of a more »
Editorial: Top 10 of 2010
Hello all my loyal fans and welcome to the glorious return of NATE LILES! Is this perhaps the greatest post in Lusipurr history? It is too early to tell, but I am going to go with: yes. I did this post last year and it seemed to get a good response, so I am doing more »
Review: Peggle

He aims carefully. Very carefully. He measures just the right angle to take the shot, right down to the centimeter. He analyzes the level, carefully planning not only the shot to take, but when to take it. He fires the ball, then prays to the Lord that it goes well. In most cases, it does more »