Editorial: Nintendo Switches Course

By Sebahamut
Wii U GamePad Parts SLIDER

With the upcoming release of the Nintendo Switch, and current lack of any Nintendo console in the retail channel, one might ask: how did Nintendo get here? The answer might just begin with a switch in strategy that culminated in the launch of the Wii U.

News: The Neverending PSN Story

By Biggs

The continuing struggle of the PlayStation Network frustrates developers, Sweden dislikes possibly underage boob jiggle, Team Fortress gore porn voting begins, and a new reason why Steve Jobs loves crazy cat ladies.

News: Crappy MMO Week

By Biggs
Animu Michael Jackson

Status Effect: Flaming Hair  Here in America, we love us some dead celebrities. All the power of their glorious name with none of the royalty checks, its win-win! This week, in an interview with USA Today, entertainment firm SEE Virtual Worlds detailed their plans to exploit one of the most exploitable celebrity names of all: more »