TSM Episode 338: Agitating Adeki

By Lusipurr
When Adeki gets agitated, look out Poland!

When Lusipurr, SiliconNooB, Imitanis, and Mel learn that their actions as podcast panelists are agitating the notable internet personality, Adeki, Mel resigns in protest and the remaining staff members devote themselves to vengeful personal attacks.

Editorial: Destiny of Service

By Mel
Does it deserve it? Well, do most games?

This week Mel looks again at some examples of games as a service and notices that even when intentions are best this model seems less than ideal. The worry is that more games will adopt this policy. Will they? Come discuss inside!

TSM Episode 272: Friendship

By Lusipurr
A.K.A. Do the Evil, Deny the Evil, and Observe the Evil.

Lusipurr is the subject of a patent lawsuit when Mel claims that he invented being wrong and that Lusipurr now owes him royalties. SiliconNooB takes the case, emphatically proving to Chief Justice Iliya that Lusipurr has never been wrong. Case dismissed!

Editorial: My Gaming Habits

By Mel
After trolling the Lcom picture database I found this. I was going to change the caption someone else had given it, but decided it worked just fine.

Mel examines his own gaming habits this week, both the good ones and the not so good ones. What tendencies does he have while playing some of his favorite RPGs and which ones has he managed to move on from? Click on through!