Editorial: Gaming in 1997

By Adeki
Final Fantasy VII Remake Trailer Screenshot 02 SLIDER

Adeki tries to think of a pun in the excerpt pertaining to this week’s games but ultimately fails to do so and writes this instead. What good games could have possibly come out in 1997? The world may never know. Unless someone was to read on to find out!

TSM Episode 414: Mutton

By Lusipurr
Sheep Grazing SLIDER

With Lusipurr distracted by Dragon Quest VIII and a plate full of blueberry pancakes, Adeki, Imitanis, and SiliconNooB break into the company larder and make off with the Presidential Mutton Supply, resultling in a building-wide lockdown and mutton-hunt.

TSM Episode 412: Greed

By Lusipurr
Final Fantasy IX Queen Brahne Screenshot 1

Late is the hour and long overdue the messenger when Nintendo’s Witch is at last revealed, and the English-speaking peoples of Britannia, Australia, and Her Majesty’s American Colonies unite together as of one voice in condemnation: Burn the Witch!