Editorial: Gaming in 2000

By Adeki
Skies of Arcadia SLIDER

He left. He did nothing. He stole the tagline from the newest season of Larry David’s sitcom. Adeki returns after a one week leave of absence to deliver a closing editorial that he did not even know he had to do. Read on to learn about 2000!

TSM Episode 412: Greed

By Lusipurr
Final Fantasy IX Queen Brahne Screenshot 1

Late is the hour and long overdue the messenger when Nintendo’s Witch is at last revealed, and the English-speaking peoples of Britannia, Australia, and Her Majesty’s American Colonies unite together as of one voice in condemnation: Burn the Witch!

TSM Episode 409: Boxing Day Snark

By Lusipurr
Hunting of the Snark Book SLIDER

At the Lusipurr.com offices, Christmas dawns once more with Sebastian, Adeki, and Lusipurr nestled all snug at their desks. A tale of Snarks and Boojums is told, along with a round-up of seasonal games, Christmas bargains, and a Humble Bundle FAQ.

TSM Episode 408: An Unexpected Party

By Lusipurr
Christmas Tree SLIDER

Lusipurr.com finally numerically surpasses CatFancy on Australian Christmas Day. And with the dawning of Christmas in the east (or west, if you prefer), Lusipurr and SiliconNooB enjoy a conversational ramble through anime, video games, and Cricket.

Editorial: Pixel Fantasy 76800

By Sebahamut
Doing more at 256x224 than any modern game could ever hope to match.

Sony’s PlayStation brought us epic, multi-disc RPGs, but the technical limitations of the system resulted in games that do not look as good today. Conversely, SNES titles often look very good on modern displays, leading to this resolution exploration.