Whoops! It looks like Adeki’s Headless Horseman costume went a little too far and now his head popped off! In order to figure out how to make himself whole again Adeki is recounting his experiences with the game Headlander. Might as well review it too!
Tim Schafer is all set to commit massive fraud, Square Enix has dug themselves into another financial hole, Hajime Tabata talks Final Fantasy XV narrative, and SiliconN00B is seeing double in the news of the week!
Tim Schafer launches another cash-grab using Psychonauts 2 as bait, Nintendo think they can sell twenty million NXs in 2016, Sony completely fuck up PS2 Classics, and Kenshiro goes SD in DD Fist of the North Star II in the news of the week!
Adeki goes back to the future to reflect on Kickstarter campaigns for video games, such as long-awaited sequels or spiritual successors to fan favorites. Will the power of nostalgia prevail for backers? Put on your rose-colored glasses and read ahead!
Aftermarket wonder device renders Amiibo obsolete, Schafer Kickstarts perpetual fraud, AAA developers step-up to support gamers in the wake of SPJ Airplay terror madness, and sexual terrorism finds an adorable new leading lady in the news of the week!
SocJus narratives are beginning to have a chilling effect on industry creativity, Tim Schafer takes an even bigger shit on the people who backed his Broken Game, and the PS4 begins to hit its stride in the land of the rising sun in the news of the week!
Tim Schafer offends minority gamers at GDC, Leigh Alexander takes Social Justice Offworld, and Microsoft’s plans to revive Conker may be scrapped in the news of the week!
More interesting details are revealed about Final Fantasy XV, tri-Ace gets sold out for mobile phone development, and Tim Schafer sticks up for fellow crook, Peter Molyneux, in the news of the week!
The Final Fantasy VII remake is at long last announced, Lucky Chloe proves not to the liking of some, and Broken Age backers take a backseat to their Playstation counterparts in the news of the week!
Ubisoft locks Assassin’s Creed Unity to 900p on PS4 to preserve parity with Xbone, Kickstarter is in a slump, and Ubisoft claims that games feel better when played at 30fps in the news of the week!