Tag Archives: Disgaea
Review: Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness
Editorial: My Favourite Games on the PlayStation 2
Editorial: So Long, and Thanks for All the Games
Editorial: Micromanagement and the RPG
TSM Episode 71: Zoltan’s Reading Room
News: We’re Poor, Old, and Pissing Ourselves…Lusipurr.com Nursing Home Edition!

Time to Say ‘Sayonara’ to Nippon Ichi? The developer of such great games as Disgaea, La Pucelle, and Phantom Brave has found themselves in dire straits this week. When their share holders got word that the latter half of 2009 brought a 97.5% reduction in profits, a massive sell-off began. In a single day, their more »
Review: Disgaea: Hour of Darkness

Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, received its North American release in August 2003 and helped cement Nippon Ichi Software (NIS) as a fan-favourite publisher and developer. This was only the third game NIS released in North America, pre-dating NIS America (NISA), and was published by Atlus. This inaugural chapter in the Disgaea series chronicles the misadventures more »
Editorial: With Friends Like This…

One of my first posts here at Lusipurr.com was an exploration of the dynamic relationship between Balthier and Fran in Final Fantasy XII. Today, I want to look at another group of inseparable characters: Etna, Laharl, and Flonne. Well, okay, maybe these three aren’t quite as inseparable as I might like to think, but I more »