Tag Archives: Demon’s Souls
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Editorial: Difficulty in Gaming
News: Another Wiik in the Headlines
Editorial: Difficulty
Review: Demon’s Souls
Editorial: Good For a Challenge, or Just Bad Game DEEEERPSIGN?
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Today I’m going to talk to you about the difficulty of games. More specifically I’m going to talk to you about the fairness of difficulty in games, and the point at which we should draw the line between a good challenge and user-friendly game design. It is not the intention of this editorial to critique more »
Editorial: Bioware follow up their genre trolling with more genre trolling
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Forgive the hyperbole, Greg Zeschuck’s latest response to the JRPG industry was actually rather more diplomatic than Daniel Erikson’s “You can put a j in front of it, but it’s not an rpg” outburst, though the inherent arrogance looks to be much the same. Their central message seems to be that the only way for more »