Tag Archives: Borderlands
Review: Payday: The Heist
News: Borderlands 2 Announced and Detailed
Editorial: Try My Goleslaw (it’s not as gross as it sounds)
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MAP Episode 43: Kiss It
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MAP Episode 39: Natecast
Editorial: More Great Co-op!
So, I was going to review Borderlands today, but WordPress decided to delete my entire review before I could post it (quick review: it’s awesome). However, Borderlands reminded me how important a good co-op experience is in games these days. The Halo and Gears of War series’ are always commended for having excellent co-op gameplay, more »
MAP Episode 35: Microphone Misadventure
MAP Episode 34: The Great Podcast Marathon

Produced 2009.10.11 Lusipurr and Ethan are exhausted after an entire day podcasting. Ginia tries to cheer them up by talking about her WoW characters, but this only serves to drive Ethan mad. Suddenly, Lusipurr sees a penis! What will happen next? Listen to find out! * * * Setting aside all humour for a moment, more »