Tag Archives: Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood
Editorial: Enough is Enough… or is it?
Review: Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood
Editorial: Speculation About The New Assassin’s Creed Setting
Editorial: Top 10 of 2010
Hello all my loyal fans and welcome to the glorious return of NATE LILES! Is this perhaps the greatest post in Lusipurr history? It is too early to tell, but I am going to go with: yes. I did this post last year and it seemed to get a good response, so I am doing more »
Review: Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood
MAP Episode 92: Bigger in Texas
Review: Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood Multiplayer Beta Impressions

Hunting the most dangerous game is not easy. That is, chasing around Templar trainees embedded in the Animus around Renaissance Rome is not easy. Multiplayer typically breaks down into the “BOOM HEADSHOT!” mentality: players wander around a map until they find the enemy, and then kill in the most ruthless and efficient way. This frustrates more »
News: E3 Ate All The Other News

This week brings us news of E3…and not much else. There were a few trivial things, but as I complained to Grandpa Lusipurr, the Internet is too busy sucking E3 penis to bother with anything else, and since we here at Lusipurr.com are not fond of it going in our eye, we have decided to more »