TSM Episode 338: Agitating Adeki

By Lusipurr
When Adeki gets agitated, look out Poland!

When Lusipurr, SiliconNooB, Imitanis, and Mel learn that their actions as podcast panelists are agitating the notable internet personality, Adeki, Mel resigns in protest and the remaining staff members devote themselves to vengeful personal attacks.

TSM Episode 290: Jitterbug

By Lusipurr
Conveniently, the car boot is large enough to store a grill, a table, an entire set of glass dinner plates, several metal cups, flatware, and a portable fire which, for reasons unclear, is located outside of the grill. Also, the car comes complete with a wardrobe, filled with hair products and unsuitable clothing.

Following the Tokyo Games Show, Lusipurr fires everyone and releases scores of jitterbugs, resulting in a curious increase in productivity, Mel prepares himself for handheld Smash Bros., and SiliconNooB realises that there is no exploration in Metro.

TSM Episode 241: A New Record

By Lusipurr
Bup guest-stars as the Moon Bear King in Puppeteer.

After reaching the previous MAP milestone of 120 episodes, Lusipurr consolidates the Megaphones Ahoy! and Starlight Megaphone episode numbers into a single production list, and SiliconNooB and Gyme cause a ‘technical difficulty’ with obscene utterances.

TSM Episode 103: Xbone Assault

By Lusipurr
The Starlight Megaphone

The Legendary Zoltan demonstrates that he is MIDI-capable with Chrono Trigger, SiliconNooB brings a wealth of facts and information to bear upon the Xbone, and, in a stunning reversal, Lusipurr plays all of the games that he has not played until now!