Tag Archives: 2K Games
TSM Episode 47: The Real Thing
TSM Episode 46: Revenge of the Bup
Editorial: Ethos’ Most Anticipated Games for 2012
News: Borderlands 2 Announced and Detailed
MAP Episode 119: Free Expression
MAP Episode 100: Achievement Unlocked!
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MAP Episode 56: Lady Gaga Is Not News
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Review: Bioshock 2
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2k Games returns to the underwater city of Rapture in the recent release of Bioshock 2 In Bioshock 2 the player enters the shoes, or diving suit, of “Subject Delta”, a prototype Big Daddy, who is on a quest to save the Little Sister he was once attached to. The second game plays much like the more »
Review: Borderlands

Gearbox Software adds another excellent title to the First-Person Shooter genre with the recent release of Borderlands. Borderlands takes place in the far future on the planet Pandora, long since abandoned by its settlers, and now just a haven for criminals and castaways. The player fills the shoes of one of these castaways, all with more »