Editorial: Create and Play Games

By Adeki
Super Mario Maker Screenshot 01 SLIDER

Adeki did not have time to create an excerpt for this editorial so instead he is entrusting the readers to use his personal dictionary to craft their own excerpt. He is too busy playing games that let you create other games from within. Read on!

Editorial: Airborne Adventures

By Adeki
Skies of Arcadia SLIDER

Adeki takes a ride on the Lusipurr.com funded Reetin-mobile and goes up into the skies in desperate search of electricity to power his internet connection. While airborne, Adeki found three games that take place above ground. Read on to learn more!

Editorial: Video Game Vacations

By Adeki
No Man's Sky Screenshot SLIDER 2

Adeki takes the edge off by replacing his regularly scheduled post with a different post all about vacation spots anybody would be lucky to visit. Will Adeki be eating a cheeseburger in paradise, or will he forever be trapped in the staff offices? Read on

Editorial: Forgotten Failures

By Adeki
Amazing Frog screenshot SLIDER 01

No, this post is not dedicated to nearly every single thing Adeki has crafted in his entire life. Instead, it is about video game failures that have been washed away by the seas of time. Are these failures even worth remembering? Read on to find out!

Editorial: Modern-Retro Indie Games

By Adeki
Shovel Knight SLIDER

As part of Adeki’s campaign for the presidency, he began to ask for what the readers of Lusipurr.com and delivered while simultaneously dodging questions about past decisions to liquify senators for profit. The people demand modern-retro indies! Read on!

Editorial: Retro Revivals

By Adeki
Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy SLIDER

Adeki searches deep within the temporal cave in order to find different examples of retro revivals in the year 2017 and how they were recieved by critics and fans alike? Is the future in the past or are people just running out of ideas? Read on!

Review: Sonic Mania

By Adeki
Sonic Mania SLIDER

Finally, the game that Adeki has been waiting to be released ever since its surprise announcement last year. Sonic Mania has been released and now it is time to determine whether or not the Blue Blur makes it to the finish line or falls flat on his face.

Editorial: Rewarding Inactivity

By Adeki
The Stanley Parable Office SLIDER

Adeki lies about, he sleeps for a few hours, and sometimes he just writhes on his bed listening to DeBarge. But Adeki ponders to himself, “what if video games rewarded me not playing them?” The search begins for games that reward inactivity, so read on!