MAP Episode 93: Bup is Thankful

By Lusipurr
Rook, is Boppy Corwen, famous Japnese Chocopo! Buy Finar Fantasy Now for GOOD HAPPINESS!

Produced 2010.11.28 This Thanksgiving, a short podcast to listen to during the interminable driving from relative to relative. Nate is thankful for Microsoft Nazi Swastika Penis, and Lusi is thankful for Final Fantasy XIV Item Sorting Horsebird Developers. Enjoy!

MAP Episode 92: Bigger in Texas

By Lusipurr

Produced 2010.11.21 Lane joins Ginia and SiliconNooB to prove that everything is bigger (and more emo) in Texas, much to Lusipurr’s delight. The panel discusses the history of the middle east; Final Fantasy XIV Watch continues unabated; and we learn that Kotick wants YOU!

Editorial: Cooperative Communication

By Lane

Author’s note: I heartily apologize for the bad formatting and dead links. The hotel that I stayed at charged an exorbitant rate for Internet access and would not accept a debit card as payment. As I only carry a debit card with me, this presented a somewhat novel problem. St. Lusipurr was kind enough to more »

Editorial: Better Than Fable

By Ginia

G’day, Lusi-sprites. Well, Fable Week is behind us, and we can all breathe a sigh of relief and get back to the quality games that we usually discuss here. Games such as Harvest Moon, The Sims, and Flower. Yes folks, happy days are here again! So what shiny happy game am I going to babble more »

MAP Episode 91: Vanillecast

By Lusipurr
This may be the most awesome thing I have ever seen. No, wait. It is. It is the most awesome thing I have ever seen. Stunning and beautiful.

Produced 2010.11.14 It’s not all smiles and sunshine when Lusipurr and SiliconNooB evaluate the fate of PC Gaming, the large corporate model of console game development, and the Global Activision Media Empire. And Final Fantasy XIV watch continues! Let’s see some fireworks!

News: FABLE WEEK: Finally Something Lusi Approves Of

By Biggs
Fable 3 Molyneux

To bring our amazing Fable week to a fantastic close, Eurogamer gives us a most amazing interview with Peter ‘Pedobear’ Molyneux which sheds some light on Lusipurr’s future incarceration. Many industry professionals were asked about what game they felt was the most prolific and what they would hope to accomplish in their career. For Molyneux, more »