TSM Episode 381: The E3 2016 Round-Up

By Lusipurr
You WILL vomit. You WILL NOT get your money back.

E3 2016 has come and gone, and the panelists offer a concise summary of everything that happened presented in chronological order more concisely and at a speed far greater than at the original conferences–including the untold TRUTH about virtual reality.

Editorial: A Healthy Hoenn

By Hamelin Rat

Adeki equips his scuba gear and takes his surfboard out of the garage to write about everyone’s favorite water-filled Pokemon region. Does the third generation of Pokemon stay afloat, or is it the beginning of a sinking ship? Read on and find out!

Editorial: Off We Go to Old Kanto!

By Hamelin Rat
Others started much later, with Sinnoh or something, monsters.

Adeki travels back in time to one of the most beautiful time periods in all mankind, the mid 90’s. A simpler time where Adeki was not even a twinkle in his father’s testicles and the first generation of Pokemon was just starting to come into the scene.

TSM Episode 344: Poke-butt

By Lusipurr
so i herd u liek mudkipz

As Pokemon stores roll out a vast array of Pokemon-butt merchandise, Lusipurr and SiliconNooB review Samo Studios’ Chrono Cinematica, preview the Autumn 2015 anime line-up, look at changes to FFXV, and question Microsoft’s future in console development.