Lightning Returns and Mario 3D World experience dismal sales in their domestic market, the Xbone hobbles out of the post-launch gate, and Atlus is given free reign over Sega’s dormant IP in the news of the week!
Microsoft overclocks the Xbone’s CPU, Sony is castigated by a company dedicated to trading in worthless accolades, and Double Fine reaffirm the fact that they cannot be trusted with money.
Reggie runs his mouth as The Wonderful 101 flops hard at retail, a Wii U price cut and Zelda bundle is unveiled, and Microsoft says that Xbone is worth $100 more than PS4 in the news of the week!
Sony tech leaves Microsoft in poor hUMA, Ouya produces the single most pointless advert in the history of gaming, and a butthurt Microsoft responds to Sony in the news of the week!
Microsoft doubles down on failure, Sony doubles down on their responsiveness to core gamers, and Double Fine doubles down on its fineness in the news of the week