Review: Pokemon X and Y

By Scott 'Imitanis' Mundy
Wait, that isn

Grass, fire, or water? Yes, the time has come to chose a new starter, and Imitanis has begun his journey to be the very best (like no one ever was). Is catching them a real test of his patience, or will training them become his cause? Find out inside!

TSM Episode 242: The Year of Luigi

By Lusipurr

Lusipurr, Blitzmage, and Mel have finally had enough of the miseries attendant upon the year 2013, and decide to hold the man of blood–the green menace–the villain of the hour, Luigi–responsible for ‘his’ year, indicting him for his calamitous intent.

TSM Episode 241: A New Record

By Lusipurr
Bup guest-stars as the Moon Bear King in Puppeteer.

After reaching the previous MAP milestone of 120 episodes, Lusipurr consolidates the Megaphones Ahoy! and Starlight Megaphone episode numbers into a single production list, and SiliconNooB and Gyme cause a ‘technical difficulty’ with obscene utterances.

TSM Episode 82: The XY Factor

By Lusipurr
This selection provides us with what are perhaps the best starters in Pokemon history.

SiliconNooB is pleased to report that the PlayStation 3 has finally outstripped the XBox 360 in terms of total hardware units shipped, Lusipurr exults in the announcement of a new Pokemon generation for the 3DS, and Ignatius Reilly sells all his hot dogs.

TSM Episode 69: Return of the Bup

By Lusipurr
...and neither will you.

SiliconNooB plunks down a bundle as part of the Academic Punchbeginner© and, as a result, Bup rises from the earth to wreak a mighty interviewing vengeance upon Lusipurr, revealing for once and all the deepest and darkest secrets of the black-caped man.

TSM Episode 68: Punchbeginning

By Lusipurr
But if it WERE a metaphor, Lusipurr would be Punch, and his staff members would be the various people that Punch remorselessly bludgeons to death (Ethos would be Judy).

Lusipurr invents the Punchbeginner without any help at all from Blitzmage, much to the chagrin of the latter. Feeling that the Red Menace has grown too big for his boots, SiliconNooB puts his foot down and, with the aid of Deimosion, victory is a shoe-in.

TSM Episode 53: Celebrationcast

By Lusipurr
Celebrate good times. C

In an effort to bring the latest POSITIVE and UPLIFTING news to gamers, Deimosion and Lusipurr hijack the Trans-Pacific Cable normally reserved for Australian use. In a first, the news is almost entirely good: great games are on the horizon!