Tag Archives: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
TSM Episode 104: Murder at the Exposition
News: New Final Fantasy Tactics Announced! (J/K)
TSM Episode 93: Goblin
News: The Final Fantasy Rumour Mill
News: Tekken Series Producer: Wii U CPU “Clock is Kinda Low”
News: E3 2012 – Tuesday
News: Tokyo Game Show Explosion

If you are entirely oblivious to the world of video game conventions, then you are a moron. Furthermore, you would not know that today begins the third day of the Tokyo Game Show, which will be wrapping up tomorrow. Unlike this year’s E3 or even the recent Penny Arcade Expo, the amount of news relevant more »
News: E3 Ate All The Other News

This week brings us news of E3…and not much else. There were a few trivial things, but as I complained to Grandpa Lusipurr, the Internet is too busy sucking E3 penis to bother with anything else, and since we here at Lusipurr.com are not fond of it going in our eye, we have decided to more »
News: Integrity is Nonsense

Squeenix Dominates ALL I wish I could apologize for a large chunk of this week’s news being related to Square Enix… but that would not only require admitting that I am wrong (never!) but would also involve there being other worthy news this week. The corporate overlords released their financial numbers this week to find more »