Stephen Mikesell

stephenmikesell (at) lusipurr (dot) com

Stephen Mikesell

Stephen Mikesell

Slab Bulkhead

6 July

Blood Type
No idea

Job Class
Rogue. Sometimes, you have to rely on wit alone.

Favorite Game
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Favorite Genre
I like games from just about every genre, and I have no discernible favorite.

First System
SEGA Genesis.

Current Systems
Nintendo DS, Playstation 2, Nintendo Wii (sort of).

Gaming Contacts
Steam: Slab Bulkhead

Born in the ever boring town of Ottawa, Illinois, I manage to escape for brief months at a time down to Carbondale in order to major in Electrical Engineering at SIUC. I enjoy most types of games, though some more than others. I play games for the plot if they are new, and solely for gameplay if they are pre-PS2. Therefore, when I write reviews, expect plot analysis to be the most important part of my review.