Jenifer Biggs

jeniferbiggs (at) lusipurr (dot) com

Jenifer Biggs

High Priestess of the Weeaboo Order.


30 August

Blood Type

Job Class
Red Mage

Favorite Game
Secret of Mana

Favorite Genre

First System
Atari 2600

Current Systems
NES, SNES, Wii, DS, PSX, PS2, PS3, PSP, and a half-decent gaming PC

Gaming Contacts
Steam: thesparepair

Born in a quiet suburb of Baltimore, Maryland, Jenifer was shanghaied into writing news for after making the mistake of being Lusipurr’s friend on the interbutts. He quickly realized the error of his ways when she flooded the site with pictures of anime boobs and loli battle machines, but was either too preoccupied to get around to firing her or simply pitied her, as he came to realize that anime boobs was all she really knew. As the High Priestess of the Weeaboo Order, Jenifer spends most of her time watching anime or playing whatever Square-Enix vomitted out this month. When she is separated from her computer (and thus trembling like a heroin addict in need of a hit), she is working her full-time pharmacy job or studying at university in Chicago, Illinois to eventually become a pathologist.