In his farewell editorial, Iliya thinks that despite the infinite amount of stories mankind has told since the beginning of his existence, modern gaming seems only interested in telling a few tepid stories when there is far more out there.
Day-One DLC, multiple packaging SKUs, In-App Purchases, Store Specific Pre-order items, and so much more are just many of the dubious perks of modern day gaming, brought to you by excess the likes of which makes anyone of sound mind sick.
Martial Arts take a lifetime to truly master, but with One Finger Death Punch, any of them can be used at will to demolish scores of stick figures with complete and utter impunity!
With the hiring drive in full swing, Iliya believes it pertinent to share his own experience in applying, and eventually becoming, a writer for
From refugees of Blizzard Entertainment, Carbine Studios brings an immense, impressive, and immutable experience that shows the passion that many an MMO creator seem to lack as of late.
There is good reason to shoot at anything that moves in Vlambeer’s Luftrausers. Everything else will shoot back quickly, violently, and accurately. And that is just the way old school gamers like it.
Out of all the tools at the disposal of developers, atmosphere seems to be woefully underutilized while amazing graphics are becoming more commonplace. Perhaps some explanation is required to find out exactly what atmosphere is.
For good or ill, Nintendo’s presence in the video game industry is vital for its survival. For all the mistakes the company has made throughout the years, they still represent a much needed core of how the industry progresses.
Gaming moves forward into the future. However, the digital revolution leaves an unsettling picture. Eventually, the technology used to provide gaming as it is will become obsolete and little is being done to preserve the games that are played today.