Author Archives: Virginia 'Ginia' Herrell
Review: Wild ARMs
Editorial: The Merits of Digital Distribution
Review: Shadow Hearts
Review: Earthbound
Editorial: Our Gaming Influences
Review: Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life
Editorial: What Makes a Hero?
Review: The Tiny Bang Story

What ho, readers! May the blessings of the Bright Potato and his Buttery Disciples be with you this and every day. I am back and ready to assail you with more stimulating discussion about potatoes, The Sims, and Harvest Moon. Huzzah! We shall begin our writer/reader relationship anew today with a review of a more »
Editorial: Games kinda suck, but gamers are kinda awesome?
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Herp derp, my Lusi-sprites. I am a firm believer in the idea that if you truly wish to do something, you can find the time, no matter how busy your life is. I had a professor who managed to be a mother to three teenage children and elementary school principal by day, part-time university professor more »