Released in Japan to unparalleled anticipation in November of 1999, Chrono Cross is the sequel to SquareSoft’s critically-acclaimed and much-beloved Chrono Trigger. Set in the years following the events of Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross charts the assembly, struggles, and efforts of a new group of adventurers. In the course of the game, they attempt save their world from a threat which extends beyond the scope of time and space into a different universe entirely.
The player takes control of Serge, a young boy from the village of Arni, located in the El Nido archipelago. His troubled past, and fateful dreams, prove prophetic for his destiny. As Serge is caught up in events beyond his control and imagination, he will gain the assistance of others who find their own stories entwined in Serge’s quest to understand himself, his past, and the part he has to play in the fate of his world. In especial, he must face down the threat posed by the mysterious Lynx.
Serge is not alone thanks to the sudden arrival of Kid, who has a score of her own to settle with Lynx. But just as he can count upon an ally who is dependable, so can Lynx: Harle, his mischievious and delightfully Gallic lieutenant, proves herself a formidable, if inscrutable, foe.
Use the comment thread below to discuss your approach to the game, challenges you have faced, tactics you are employing, and what you are getting out of your playthrough. Do you feel that the presentation of Chrono Cross has held up since its original release in 1999? Are there aspects of the game that you would change, or that you would hold up as an example for modern game developers to emulate? How have your experiences with Chrono Trigger, other JRPGs, and titles released after Chrono Cross changed your impressions of the game? Tell us all about it and join in our discussion below!
The aim in this playthrough is to complete the entirety of the game in three weeks. In the final week, the goal is to complete the last third of the game (through the end of the final battle). Feel free to join in, even if you are behind on the playthrough. Anyone and everyone is invited to participate, regardless of speed of play or familiarity with the series. Remember to comment, and please tell your friends!
Without further adieu, it is our very great pleasure to invite you now to join the staff members, guests, and readers as we travel to the El Nido Archipelago in Under Cerulean Skies: A Chrono Cross Playthrough!