Wow, the weather sure is beautiful here in sunny Orlando, Florida! I sure am enjoying my time away from Lusipurr and his House of Horrors! As always these “reviews” are written without actually playing the games in question and with 100% bias. Enjoy!
Like pretty much all Steam Greenlight games we have seen this game before a million times. This game in particular is a clone of Rust which is basically a clone of Minecraft, but set in a post-apocalyptic world. It seems like each of these clones seem to degrade the further away the game is from the original. Minecraft is fun, Rust is decent, so I can only assume that this game is complete and utter garbage. The fact that it is on Steam Greenlight just proves my hypothesis even more.
Best Comment: Black: “relative known concept but nethertheless for me a MUST HAVE – voted”
Yes, this game is about… uh… something. I am not 100% sure. Maybe one of the readers can explain it in the comments? It looks like a platformer in which the player is some sort of scorpion/human baby hybrid fighting some sort of worm/bee hybrid. Maybe this game is just one big commentary on the state of genetic research? Oh wait, I am getting breaking news. Yes. Hmm yes. It seems like this is a Steam Greenlight game, so who cares what it is actually about. It is garbage.
Best Comment: RayRayRay: “NES (Dendi) games had better graphics than this. NOPE.” (Writer’s Note: I do not know what “Dendi” is supposed to mean here.)
As mentioned many times in these Round-Ups: I hate anime. However, there is one thing I hate more than anime. That is WESTERN anime. Western anime in the form of a crappy dating sim is the worst thing that could ever happen. Western anime in the form of a dating sim that is posted on Steam Greenlight? That is basically my version of hell.
Best Comment: This game is so bad that as of the posting of this article there are no comments for this game.