Editorial: Greenlight Round-Up, Vol. 22

Wow, the weather sure is beautiful here in sunny Orlando, Florida! I sure am enjoying my time away from Lusipurr and his House of Horrors! As always these “reviews” are written without actually playing the games in question and with 100% bias. Enjoy!

Get it? Because an elephant never forgets!

I bet this elephant wishes he could forget this game!

Age of Survival

Like pretty much all Steam Greenlight games we have seen this game before a million times. This game in particular is a clone of Rust which is basically a clone of Minecraft, but set in a post-apocalyptic world. It seems like each of these clones seem to degrade the further away the game is from the original. Minecraft is fun, Rust is decent, so I can only assume that this game is complete and utter garbage. The fact that it is on Steam Greenlight just proves my hypothesis even more.

Best Comment: Black: “relative known concept but nethertheless for me a MUST HAVE – voted”

Yes, this picture does not make me confused and give me a headache at all.

Hahaha. Yes. I understand what is happening in his picture!


Yes, this game is about… uh… something. I am not 100% sure. Maybe one of the readers can explain it in the comments? It looks like a platformer in which the player is some sort of scorpion/human baby hybrid fighting some sort of worm/bee hybrid. Maybe this game is just one big commentary on the state of genetic research? Oh wait, I am getting breaking news. Yes. Hmm yes. It seems like this is a Steam Greenlight game, so who cares what it is actually about. It is garbage.

Best Comment: RayRayRay: “NES (Dendi) games had better graphics than this. NOPE.” (Writer’s Note: I do not know what “Dendi” is supposed to mean here.)

Especially WESTERN anime.

I hate anime.

Con Amore

As mentioned many times in these Round-Ups: I hate anime. However, there is one thing I hate more than anime. That is WESTERN anime. Western anime in the form of a crappy dating sim is the worst thing that could ever happen. Western anime in the form of a dating sim that is posted on Steam Greenlight? That is basically my version of hell.

Best Comment: This game is so bad that as of the posting of this article there are no comments for this game.


  1. Mel
    Posted 2015.04.28 at 12:18 | Permalink

    I believe the Dendy (with a y, not an i) was a Russian knock-off NES that was popular over there since the real thing was never sold in that area. I think it even had its own original games, and its mascot was an elephant.

  2. Java
    Posted 2015.04.28 at 20:33 | Permalink

    Dendi is also a “professional” DOTA player.

    Baby looks like it was inspired by a Sunday comics version of a Kafka story, and The Trial is like working at LusipurrCorp, therefor Baby is Lusipurr.com. Flawless.

    Apply now!

  3. Mel
    Posted 2015.04.29 at 02:02 | Permalink

    Java, you missed a trick:

    Apply now!

  4. Java
    Posted 2015.04.29 at 21:35 | Permalink

    The real trick was to get the words “apply” and “now” in three comments. You played right into my hands! Let your ears dine upon my evil laugh!

  5. Lusipurr
    Posted 2015.04.30 at 23:05 | Permalink

    Okay, I will give this week’s games this much: at least they look like games.

    So that’s something!