Editorial: Being on the Wrong Side of an Argument

Internet Argument Silly Photo

Internet Argument Silly Photo

Microsoft’s Xbone 180 brought out the true colors of many gamers. Many people who were once against Microsoft’s VCR were all too willing to leap back to its side once Microsoft made their concessions. This past week, during a drunken night out, I had the chance to discuss the Xbone with a friend of mine who is a different breed of gamer than the audience of this site. This friend is a huge fan of World of Warcraft but he also loves Halo and Gears of War, so there is a bit Brogamerness that I have to deal with. This Brogamer-side came out in full force when I brought up how terrible the Xbone was shaping up to be. While he was completely wrong with his assessment that the Xbone is the console of the future, his argument was a nice insight into the mind of somebody who is Xbone crazy.

The first part of our argument began with the exclusive titles that would be released for each console. As a gigantic Halo fan, the mere fact that it will be released for the Xbone is a huge selling point for my friend and other Xboners alike. Knowing that my friend enjoys genres outside of shooters, I was a bit bewildered that the PS4′s line up did not interest him in the slightest. Even when faced with the reality that Sony will carry more (and better) exclusive titles, Microsoft has trained their Xbots to think that the only exclusive that matters is the next Halo title. In the end, the argument about exclusives once again boils down to a fight with a two-year-old who only knows the word “Halo”.

Feeling like I was up against a brick wall in my argument over exclusives, I steered the conversation towards Microsoft’s initial policies for the console. Once again, I was struck by my friend’s intense love for his Xbox. Just like many other Xbox fanboys, my friend was quite angry about the change, most notably, the loss of the Family Sharing feature. Much of this anger came from a misunderstanding of how the feature would work, and seeing that it was insanely complicated, that is understandable. As was the case with many other Xboners, my friend was under the impression that the Family Sharing would be a nice and easy answer to sharing digital copies of games among friends. After correcting his misunderstanding of the convoluted Family Sharing, the discussion turned towards the other Xbone features, and I was treated to a first-hand experience of how jaded Microsoft has turned their fans.

Xbone Policy Change Quote

The bane of many Xboners

Like many Xboners, my friend was all too willing to relinquish many of his freedoms in an effort to be a part of the “future of gaming”. The thought of being able to access every Xbone game he purchased from any Xbone console greatly appealed to him as he often plays on consoles other than his own. The fact that this feature came at the price of heavy DRM and region restrictions was not a huge factor because Microsoft has their fans believing that it was the price of progress. The last point that I was hit with was the belief that these policies would eventually lead to cheaper games once used games were gone and more digital content had taken over.

Through podcast discussions and excellent posts from Julian, the usefulness of all of these features has been proven to not be worth the cost in freedom, however, Microsoft can not be faulted for knowing its audience. Xbots are willing to give up many things that gamers take for granted, all in the name of being part of Microsoft’s vision of the future of games. Xbots feel the same need to defend the Xbone as people who defend Tim Schafer as though he is a deity of gaming. The 360 forced them to defend the Xbox Live Gold subscription cost as a means of rationalizing paying for something that everybody else received for free. Microsoft has, at least temporarily, saved the Xboners from their blind devotion and constant attempts at giving rationale to policies that others are not impeded by.

Arguing with a fanboy of any type is not recommended for those that lack patience. While it can be an enjoyable experience for a while, the fun quickly wears out as the fanboy ignorance grows. As interesting as my friend’s Xbone craze is, it began to get annoying as my logical attacks were met with anything but logic. Eventually, I relented on my argument in the attempt to remain sane. While I did eventually win points for the number of exclusive games on the PS4, I failed to convince my friend on any of the other issues (I did not even mention how terrible the OS looked in action), mainly because I gave up and decided to let him waste his money figuring it out himself. While I had little success in converting my friend, what kind of encounters with the dregs of society have you had?

Also, for the pair of people who look forward to my articles on Thursdays, I am sad to announce that this will be my last article for the month of July. I will be on vacation next week, traveling to the capital of Mexico. As long as I do not end up shot or in a Mexican jail, I will be back with my next article on the first day of August.


  1. Julian 'SiliconNooB' Taylor
    Posted 2013.07.18 at 13:49 | Permalink

    Tell Dirty Sanchez I said ‘hi’!

  2. Mel
    Posted 2013.07.18 at 15:19 | Permalink

    Yeah, I’ve encountered some of these defenders at work, as I’ve mentioned on this site before. From what I gather, most of their opinions come directly from misinformation or wild assumptions. About the only thing genuine they express is their love of MS properties. (AKA, Halo… the game that is STILL hefting MS consoles on its shoulders)

  3. Iliya Moroumetz
    Posted 2013.07.19 at 11:25 | Permalink

    I swear, it’s the same with the people who defend the Lich King like actions of Sylvanas Windrunner in WoW; they’re Reaper indoctrinated. They’ve been so utterly brainwashed that they’ll accept no idea that they might be wrong, because they’d rather stay wrong than admit they were wrong.

  4. Ethan 'Ethos' Pipher
    Posted 2013.07.19 at 11:36 | Permalink

    “because they’d rather stay wrong than admit they were wrong.”
    This is the cause of probably, like, 95% of conflict in the world.

  5. DefChaos
    Posted 2013.07.19 at 13:55 | Permalink

    Halo fanboys already decided on buying the next XBox console before it was even announced. They then just grab on to whatever nuggets of information they happen upon to justify their selection as “the right one”. One individual in particular was so upset over losing out on family sharing after the 180, likening those who disagreed with the DRM-era policies as “backing up the horse vs the car”. He had planned on sharing his gamertag amongst other friends to share games and save money. Somehow, he also argued against used games and how they lose developers too much money. He wouldn’t hear any reasonable argument.

    I have also spoken with others who have been XBox fans since the original Xbox launched that have had it with Microsoft and plan to buy a PS 4. Microsoft will certainly stay afloat during the upcoming years, but they have almost certainly lost a significant amount of market share in the US alone, to say nothing of other regions where XBox was already 2nd/3rd tier status.

  6. Jahan 'The Legendary Zoltan' Honma
    Posted 2013.07.19 at 21:29 | Permalink

    “what kind of encounters with the dregs of society have you had?”

    Hahaha! That was a great way to wrap it up. I only hear the word PS4 from coworkers (American ones, not Japanese). I really want to see some sort of landslide happen this generation but that probably won’t happen after all the small businesses get tax deductible Xbones.

  7. Julian 'SiliconNooB' Taylor
    Posted 2013.07.20 at 05:51 | Permalink

    I wouldn’t be surprised to see a landslide of sorts – PS4 already owns the mindshare of core gamers, and the PS4 will receive a worldwide release, whereas the Xbone will only launch in select countries.

  8. Mel
    Posted 2013.07.20 at 09:28 | Permalink

    @SN:Those are points in the ps4′s favor but I think we’ll see a close second from MS if not practically a tie. The core knows about the key differences between the ps4 and xbone but for the mainstream the whole “180″ issue has very much been a storm in a teacup. I’d actually be more surprised if they knew about it at all.

  9. Julian 'SiliconNooB' Taylor
    Posted 2013.07.20 at 11:37 | Permalink

    Americans tend to have a very inward focus when it comes to questions of the worldwide market.

    It’s going to be close in America and the UK, but not so much elsewhere.

    Sony has eventually surpassed the 360 with PS3 sales despite Microsoft having a year’s headstart, a cheaper console, and a much better reputation back then.

    Do you seriously think that Microsoft will actually do better against Sony this time around now that all those qualities are either negated or to their detriment?

  10. James 'Gyme' Pagel
    Posted 2013.07.20 at 11:44 | Permalink

    A large part of Microsoft’s advantage was their console always breaking, forcing consumers to purchase second and third consoles.

  11. Mel
    Posted 2013.07.20 at 14:27 | Permalink

    @James: I’d actually love to see how that has boosted their numbers. Probably a lot.

    @SN: The answer to your question is no.

  12. James 'Gyme' Pagel
    Posted 2013.07.20 at 15:08 | Permalink

    @Mel: I have seen some numbers that have it as high as 50% for launch consoles. The numbers now are under 10% but that is after a number of hardware revisions. I remember when I bought my 360 Elite I was reading model codes in an attempt to find a console with the newer processor that ran cooler and quieter.

  13. Mel
    Posted 2013.07.20 at 15:19 | Permalink

    A 50% boost in sales due to failure, but I’m pretty confident the failure rate itself was like 90%. I don’t know a single person who’s pre-elite console didn’t die.

    While we’re on the topic of dieing consoles, The Last of Us is apparently killing fat model ps3′s. And I have one and BOY did it get loud. Like, louder than my old 360 would ever get. Got me so worried I pointed a table top fan at it just in case it was getting too hot, and sure enough I later heard it’s been known to do so.

  14. Julian 'SiliconNooB' Taylor
    Posted 2013.07.20 at 15:46 | Permalink

    To the best of my knowledge The Last of Us was bricking fat consoles with non-standard harddrives, and there is a way for them to be recovered.

  15. Mel
    Posted 2013.07.20 at 15:50 | Permalink

    Ah, ok. Guess I don’t need to be paranoid about replaying that game… maybe lol.

  16. Scott 'Imitanis' Mundy
    Posted 2013.07.21 at 10:06 | Permalink

    So, most of the people I work with currently play on an Xbox. Out of the five I questioned, only one is even considering a PS4 in the next generation.

    I try and avoid the other four now.

  17. SiliconNooB
    Posted 2013.07.21 at 12:47 | Permalink

    UK has been an Xbox stronghold for a while now, but even so – ouch!

  18. James 'Gyme' Pagel
    Posted 2013.07.22 at 00:17 | Permalink

    The rest of Europe seems to be Sony’s pocket, though. Throughout Europe, Sony’s consoles have out sold Microsoft’s Xbox incarnations both of the previous generations.

  19. Lusipurr
    Posted 2013.07.25 at 13:26 | Permalink

    If you buy an Xbone, you deserve what Microsoft does to you, and that’s a fact.