It may seem strange, dear LusiCats, that a giant faceless conglomerate like Inc & Co would produce an entire editorial focusing on the disappearance of just one reader, but Evilpaul is no ordinary reader. In fact, his disappearance is not only confusing and unexpected, but is increasingly making me paranoid.
The frequency of reader comments are a constant ebb and flow, but when I looked deeper into the comments leading up to Evilpaul’s disappearance, I started to realize that there was an obvious descent into madness at play. While always eccentric, Evilpaul at least had some coherency to his text in the past. In the latter days, however, everything appeared to go to shit. The first example of this I could find in my totally-legit-and-not-hastily-assembled research was in the middle of a typical stand-offish stubborn debate between our own Julian ‘SiliconNooB’ Taylor and myself about just how shitty the fourth Indiana Jones movie may or may not be. Evilpaul had the following insight to contribute.
“How drunk you can be on Foster’s yet still be less than Indiana Jones 4 drunk I have just discovered. It makes me thing other continents should’t be a thing because Indiana Jones 4, mostly.”
Okay, sure. If one assumes that Evilpaul is hammered beyond belief, one might slightly start to understand what maybe he could have been potentially trying to say. Then, about a month later during a discussion about Tingle (during which Evilpaul was making actual sense), he decided to follow-up his contributions by adding the following drivel.
“I just wanted to say that my throat feels like I drank some festive combination of crushed glass and battery acid this morning. Ethos has put a hex upon me and, more specifically, my throat!”
The comment – as a standalone – does make sense. Evilpaul has a sore throat and decided to blame me for his ailment. It is not entirely out of nowhere. I am, indeed, the subject of a lot of jokes that involve throats and butts. You might even say that I am the butt of many jokes that are shoved down my throat. No, the strangeness of the comment is the complete lack of context. It is almost as if Evilpaul started to see the comments as his personal chatroom. As if the fact that he was participating in the relevant conversation earlier was enough reason for him to just go off on whatever tangent he felt like. Not that this is really a problem for us at, but Evilpaul was starting to give less and less context for his comments that were becoming more and more out of the blue.
It was not just me who was starting to notice his decline. Occasional commenter and all-around awesome dude, Glenn ‘7thCircle’ Wilson picked up on Evilpaul’s antics as well.
“The next character study will be on how evilpaul’s mind has slowly unraveled over the last few months.”
Although on a different article, this was written around the same time as Evilpaul’s sore throat comments. Soon after those few months containing long rants and non-sequitur comments from the man, there was silence. At first I thought very little of it. It was the holiday season after all, and many of us were busy.
But soon the silence shifted from a natural lull to an uneasy darkness. There was something sinister about the way Evilpaul’s comments boiled and then vanished. How could a personality so strong and frantic just disappear without a peep? Perhaps it was just a part of his unexpected nature, but more likely, it is a worldwide conspiracy in which Evilpaul was subject to sensitive information capable of tearing the fabric of our society apart and keeping it inside was doing the same to his mind.
Maybe he was discovered.
So, dear LusiThroats, help is needed to uncover the truth behind Evilpaul’s strange and sudden disappearance. My only leads are the ominous comments that I just posted and a very sparsely updated blog found here. The fact that his blog was last updated around the time of his disappearance yet speaks of starting to update on a more frequent basis is just further cause for concern.
So please join me, LusiSleuths, on my mission to uncover the truth. Consider the comments on this editorial the Find Evilpaul Now Hotline, and consider your best chance to find telltale clues. Will you unravel the mystery of the missing Evilpaul, or is this a mess so tied to government secrets that we would be best leaving it alone? I guess we will have to brave the darkness and find out together. Long live Evilpaul.