Editorial: More Gaming Confessions

Hey there readers! Since it seems to be “Gaming Confessional” week here at the ol’ Lusipurr.com, I figured now would be as good a time as any for me to delve into my own gaming conscience and explore why I, like so many other gamers out there, have a huge list of unfinished games.

Re:coded and Assassin's Creed are both still shrink-wrapped. Shameful.

This post's images (and slider) brought to you by games I own but have never played.

Unlike a great many other gamers, my problem is not that I cannot finish what I start, but instead the exact opposite: I have great difficulty bringing myself to begin anything. A disappointing amount of my game library is games that I have not even touched; indeed a few of my games are still sitting in the shrink-wrap. I see this in other hobbies as well – I have in my possession two complete anime series that I have yet to even really look at, much less finish. But why is it that I am so reluctantly to begin playing or watching? This seems to stem from my internal commitment to something; once I start a game I become hell-bent on finishing it. As I have mentioned to others in the past, the farther along I am in a game, the more likely it is that I will finish it. This is true both in first-time playthroughs and in replays, and I also frequently notice that games have certain roadblock points in them as well. I never know when I begin a replay of the first Kingdom Hearts if I will finish the game again or not, but as soon as I get past Atlantica I know I will see the game through to its conclusion. But I digress. My relatively newfound conviction to finish everything I start has spilled over into my hobbies, and rather than being a more productive gamer, it has instead slowed progress significantly. Gone are the days when I would think to myself: “I should play this game again”, then immediately pick it up and play through it, giving up halfway through. Instead, I find myself weighing the options, wondering to myself if I am willing to commit to a game long enough to see its end. I am significantly more focused on the three or four games which I am playing at the cost of completely neglecting all others.

Of all the games I own but have never played, somewhere around half of them are on Steam.

I blame Steam sales for this one.

Gaming is a strange hobby, in ways. I have never heard an anime junkie or TV aficionado complain about giving up on too many series, nor have I heard of many avid readers lamenting their tendency to abandon a story midway through its telling. Perhaps the interactive nature of games is the cause here; it is certainly easier to slog through a boring novel than than a twenty-plus-hour game. Video games can be difficult, and a player’s ignorance of how to progress or inability to defeat a boss can keep them stuck at a particular story point for days or weeks at a time. Maybe this, then, is why we often have so much trouble seeing a game through to its end. As for me, my awareness of this difficulty has acted as its own roadblock, and I am rarely playing through more than three different games at any given time due to my reluctance to start something I feel I will not finish. I used to play five or six games at a time, but only finish one or two of them. Now, I play fewer games, but have a much greater tendency to finish them. Very rarely will I start a game I do not intend to finish. My increasing reluctance to start in on games pairs well with my indecisive personality, I guess. Oh well, I am afraid that is all I have to say on this matter. Am I crazy, or are there other gamers out there who do this as well? Let me know what you think, readers.


  1. Matt Dance
    Posted 2012.04.14 at 21:32 | Permalink

    Can you give some examples of games you have which you want to start, but haven’t yet for some reason?

  2. Deimosion
    Posted 2012.04.15 at 01:33 | Permalink

    The three games pictured in the pictures/slider of the post (Assassin’s Creed, Kingdom Hearts Re:coded and Borderlands) are a few examples, but I also have both Bioshock games, both Penny Arcade Adventures games, Super Mario Galaxy 2, and both Trine games…to name a few.

  3. Matt Dance
    Posted 2012.04.15 at 06:21 | Permalink

    Thank you. Well quality is always better than quantity, especially when time (and not something disposable, like money) is at stake. You can’t take the time of your life wasted for playing a boring game back, but you can get a few bucks for a physical copy while clearing shelf space!

  4. Deimosion
    Posted 2012.04.15 at 23:04 | Permalink

    That’s true, and I won’t power through a game I don’t like. As a general rule, though, I know myself well enough now, and have little enough money, that I rarely buy games that I don’t know for sure I will enjoy.