
Nathan ‘Reetin’ Spruth

Hello, readers! I am Nathan Spruth, though most know me on the site as “Reetin”. I have been a reader here since the very beginning, and having been reading and commenting ever since. I was even in the briefly lived IRC before that shut down after a month. Now I am going to be your Reviewer/Editorialist on Fridays, at least for the time being.

I was raised in Southern California until I was eleven, where I was shipped away to the cold lands of Central Oregon. While I lived in California I developed a love for video games, starting with the original Nintendo. The first game I beat was when I was four years old, and my father helped me beat The Legend of Zelda. To this day I can not figure out how to beat that game again; I know I have to burn a bush or something.

It was not until I was in fifth grade that I found out there were such things as RPGs. I remember going to my friend’s house, stepping inside and watching him play a beautiful game with turn based combat by the name of Final Fantasy III. I thought it was amazing. Storyline in a video game, with beautiful graphics, and a great combat system; to say I was blown away could be considered an understatement. That is when I developed my love of Role Playing Games.

A great portion of time I had when I was in Middle School and High School were spent playing Role Playing Games, but I vaguely remember playing another type of game, one that had shooting, oh yes First Person Shooters. This may shock a lot of people but the first FPS I ever really got into was Halo (something that Lusipurr hates with a passion) I was happy to be able to shoot my friends in the head, and typically get second place. Ever since the original Halo came out I have started playing many other FPS games, such as Call of Duty, the several Halo sequels, and most recently I have got into playing Team Fortress 2 with the lovely people at, a small hint to the class I play: I love Sanviches.

Nowadays I still play Role Playing Games and First Person Shooters and I have a compulsion to play any MMORPG I can get my hands on; though none have held my interest as much as Final Fantasy XI. I hope to change that with The Old Republic. I will play any game as long as the game-play and storyline are good.

That is me, I am going to be your new Reviewer/Editorialist and I hope that I can entice some of you to comment on my posts. Look forward to seeing posts from Nathan ‘Reetin’ Spruth on Fridays, starting Friday June 24th, 2011!


  1. Blitzmage
    Posted 2011.06.16 at 06:19 | Permalink

    Cool story bro, looking forward to the reviews/editorials

  2. Ginia
    Posted 2011.06.16 at 07:57 | Permalink

    O HAI. =)

  3. Lusipurr
    Posted 2011.06.16 at 12:06 | Permalink


  4. Slab Bulkhead
    Posted 2011.06.16 at 14:35 | Permalink

    Welcome to the brotherhood of the Dark Side!

  5. Blitzmage
    Posted 2011.06.16 at 14:56 | Permalink

    Can we call him Nate 2.0?

  6. Deimosion
    Posted 2011.06.16 at 15:06 | Permalink

    Welcome to hell!

  7. Reetin
    Posted 2011.06.16 at 16:42 | Permalink

    No Blitz we may not.

  8. Blitzmage
    Posted 2011.06.16 at 17:47 | Permalink

    ok, anyway no one could replace his amazingness

  9. RootBeerKing
    Posted 2011.06.16 at 18:34 | Permalink

    Reetin can’t be Nate 2.0 because SiliconNoob was already Nate 2.0.

  10. SiliconNooB
    Posted 2011.06.17 at 00:42 | Permalink

    I look forward to perusing your articles!

  11. Delphink
    Posted 2011.06.17 at 16:27 | Permalink

    Yeah the original Legend of Zelda is weird, I got it with the Collections Edition disc thing for Gamecube but can hardly go 20 minutes without getting horribly confused, lost, or manhandled by the incredibly fast moving random mook enemies.

  12. Lusipurr
    Posted 2011.06.18 at 01:09 | Permalink

    I played through the original Legend of Zelda in one sitting, without a guide, about six months ago. Easy!

  13. evilpaul
    Posted 2011.06.19 at 00:00 | Permalink


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