Editorial: Games are Harrrrrrrd, but FAQs are for Wussies

What-ho, my Lusi-sprites.

Alas, I do not bring you a review of any games or apps pertaining to bodily functions, natural or otherwise. Perhaps you may entreat Mr. Liles to review a poop or burp app next week. Perhaps Lusipurr is going to fire me for even suggesting this. I would be okay with that, by the way. Working for Lusipurr is extremely frustrating. I must have terrible karma or something. Know what elese is enormously frustrating, other than this site’s staff? The 7th Guest.

This game is essentially a series of puzzles sprinkled about a gothic horror setting. Extremely challenging, nerd rage-inducing puzzles. The puzzles alternate between easy to understand but difficult to execute puzzles, and easy to execute but damn difficult to figure out what the game actually wants you to do puzzles. More than once I have been tempted to consult the game’s “clue book” for help, or just pull up a FAQ since this is no longer 1993. So far I have restrained myself.

There was a time when I would have consulted and even bookmarked a handy guide to this game. Now, however, I am either too proud or too stubborn to look up any of the puzzles. I do not know what has prompted this shift in mindset. Perhaps I am older and more patient? Perhaps I simply do not want to cheat my way through a game Lusipurr probably mastered when he was 10 (damn showoff). It makes me wonder where my peers (that would be you guys) stand on the issue of walkthroughs and guides for video games. Do you use them? Do you use them only for certain kinds of games, or only after finishing a game on your own at least once?

To answer my own question, I seem to only consult guides for two purposes: either to clarify information that can be found in a game’s manual when I do not actually have a manual, or to help myself complete a game “perfectly” after completing it as successfully as I can the first time. I just find that the more I have to look up something the lesser my sense of accomplishment and satisfaction is.


  1. Lusipurr
    Posted 2011.01.27 at 20:21 | Permalink

    The only time I use FAQs is after I’ve completed a game successfully and want to go for a perfect or to find something that I could not find on the first run through.

    So, like you, I am a purist when it comes to initial runs. Otherwise, why play at all?

  2. SiliconNooB
    Posted 2011.01.28 at 00:29 | Permalink

    I don’t believe there’s any shame in using FAQs for the purposes of RPG completionism, or for really sadistic parts of games, but in the case of the 7th Guest, the game consists of only puzzles, so I don’t know where I stand on using a guide to solve them.

  3. Blitzmage
    Posted 2011.01.28 at 00:40 | Permalink

    I find I will use an FAQ only when I am stuck or know I’m ony going to play a game once and want to do a perfect run

  4. SiliconNooB
    Posted 2011.01.28 at 01:24 | Permalink

    There are few enough games released these days that I feel compelled to complete, let alone return to ….

  5. Blitzmage
    Posted 2011.01.28 at 08:26 | Permalink

    @SN I think the opposite, there are to many that I’m compelled to play/compete that I usually will only beat a game once, maybe twice if it was REALLY good

  6. SiliconNooB
    Posted 2011.01.28 at 21:50 | Permalink

    I’d be hard pressed to name a genuinely amazing game released last year that wasn’t an independent title.

  7. SiliconNooB
    Posted 2011.01.28 at 21:52 | Permalink

    … Or rather an independent title or a rerelease of an older game a la the Broken Sword 2 director’s cut.

  8. DanChiSao
    Posted 2011.01.30 at 07:04 | Permalink

    I’m with Blitzmage on this one. There are very few games that I’ve played more than once in my collection. There are some I’d like to play again at some point, but I don’t have time for it right now.

  9. slayde112
    Posted 2011.02.01 at 17:26 | Permalink

    On my first playthrough, consulting a FAQ is equivalent to cheating. I wouldn’t feel I really beat the game if I used one.