Editorial: On the Future of Sony Hand-held Gaming; or Why You Shouldn’t Lay Down That Pre-order Just Yet Luis Vasquez: Part Two

By SiliconNooB

  The Playstation Phone This brave little device has been impugned and pilloried by virtually every quarter of the internets. The first thing the name evokes upon the hearing, is shades of Nokia’s ill-fated Ngage, thus the system is situated within a pre-existing template whereby boffins may predict its dismal failure. I am not from more »

MAP Episode 97: A Christmas Miracle

By Lusipurr
I cannot resist the urge to use this picture again.

Produced 2010.12.26 Lusi and Ginia talk about the Winter of Xenogears, Australian Christmas, and Taking Liberties With a Minor, and also cover important matters like how to urinate on Lusipurr if you happen to be a Canadian midget. Happy Christmas, readers of Lusipurr.com!

MAP Episode 96: Australian Christmas

By Lusipurr
In this picture, Nate Liles invents Guitar Hero fifteen years before Harmonix.

Produced 2010.12.19 There’s nothing bigger than Christmas antipodean style, and Australian Christmas doesn’t disappoint. Earnings forecasts are down, Foster’s sales are up, and Nate Liles is conspicuously absent and almost certainly drunk. Get out your semaphor kit, mate!

Review: Humans + Gears: Xenogears Remixed

By Ginia

What ho, Lusi-sprites. In the spirit of our Stand Tall & Shake the Heavens feature, rather than indulge myself with my usual nostalgic whining or Sim worship, I am going to branch out just a tad and attempt a musical review. This will certainly be a review using only the loosest definition of the term, more »