MAP Episode 29: Return of the Montok

By Lusipurr
The Montok

Produced 2009.08.30 Just when you thought it was safe to listen to the podcast, Oliver Motok rears his ugly head. Join the panel as they discuss 2009’s “Day of Releases”, featuring Dissidia and Batman: Arkham Asylum. Also: More Ricdic!

Editorial: Nostalgia Goggles

By Ginia

My gaming memory is chock full of games that induce fond smiles and wistful sighs. These games are classics, timeless epics for the ages, eternally enjoyable provided that the player can overlook dated sound and graphics. At least, for the most part. There are a few titles that did not bear up well under renewed more »

Review: Shadow Complex

By Bup
Mass Effect?  No, just Shadow Complex!

Microsoft’s XBox Live Arcade once again proves its worth with the recent release of Shadow Complex, developed by Chair Entertainment. Shadow Complex places the player in the shoes of Jason Fleming, an Average Joe who gets caught up in a quest to stop a resistance movement planning to invade San Francisco, California.  The game plays more »

Editorial: Bad Manners

By Lusipurr
Greater Internet Dickwad Theory

It is time I came down from the mountain with the twin tablets of Remonstration and Edification in hand. The past few weeks have seen a shocking display of bad manners from so many directions as to befuddle one’s senses. Whilst the internet has never been much of a haven for those of us who more »

MAP Episode 28: Ashes 2009

By Lusipurr
England Regain the Ashes!

Produced 2009.08.23 Lusipurr, Bup, and Ginia quail before a mountain of late Summer releases, but still have courage enough to face news including Water in LittleBigPlanet, Modern Warfare 2 Preorders, and the announcement of a third WoW expansion!

Editorial: I Want Swag!

By Ginia

The other day it occurred to me how incredibly rare it is for me to purchase a game from a big box retailer, or brick and mortar game store. The last time that I made an “in-person” purchase was last November, when I went to the Wrath of the Lich King midnight release at my more »

Editorial: Games I Still Play

By Bup
Much like my heart...

I am notorious for buying and trading in games.  I have purchased games two or three times after trading them in.  However, there are still some I have owned for a few years and cannot even fathom getting rid of.  I am by no means a collector, but I still play these games.  Here I more »

Editorial: Slim PS3 Announced: How surprised are you?

By Thea
PS3 Slim

The PS3 Slim has, officially, been announced. Am I surprised? No, not really. Am I excited? No, not particularly. The new system is smaller, lighter, and uses less power than the old consoles. The new systems will also feature a 120GB hard-drive, that is 40GB bigger than the current 80GB model (aren’t you glad I more »