TSM Episode 70: Birthday Insolence

By Lusipurr
For Lusipurr

Blitzmage is boorish and uncouth during Lusipurr’s 946th celebratory birthday story. SiliconNooB chastises the rascal, whilst Deimosion holds himself aloof from the crassness of his insolent outburst, and the other sixty-eight minutes are rambly nonsense.

MAP Episode 100: Achievement Unlocked!

By Lusipurr

Produced 2011.01.23 In a podcast described as “better than Shakespeare”, the Lusipurr.com staff and guests assemble to celebrate the completion of one hundred episodes of the Megaphones Ahoy! Podcast, replete with fart noises, horns, and a phone call to the Montok. Enjoy!