Grade A (90-100%)
Grade A works are perfect or near perfect. Exceptional titles in every regard, they are must-have purchases which will almost undoubtedly stand the test of time, excelling in every aspect of design, construction, and presentation. Although there may be minimal niggles or a few rough edges, these are so minor that they do not significantly detract from the overall experience. Graphics, art style, music, sound, plot, characterisation, script, translation, camera, controls, system, networking, gameplay, and level of polish are overall consistently of the very highest quality.

Grade B (80-89%)
Grade B works are significantly above average. Perhaps exceptional in some regards, they are essential purchases for fans of the genre or series, with very good design, construction, and presentation. There may be some problems or a key fault, but these issues do not generally impede the majority of the experience. Graphics, art style, music, sound, plot, characterisation, script, translation, camera, controls, system, networking, gameplay, and level of polish are overall of a generally high quality.

Grade C (70-79%)
Grade C works are average or near average. Satisfactory in most regards, they are likely to spark interest in fans of the genre or series, with serviceable design, construction, and presentation. There may be some significant issues, or some exceptional moments, but these are not enough to render the experience unsatisfactory or to raise the experience to a higher level. Graphics, art style, music, sound, plot, characterisation, script, translation, camera, controls, system, networking, gameplay, and level of polish are overall of a generally average quality.

Grade D (60-69%)
Grade D works are significantly below average. Flawed in some regards, they are likely to disappoint fans of the genre or series, and may be of little interest to those unfamiliar with the title, with below average design, construction, and presentation. Although there may be some serious problems or a key fault, these are not enough to render the experience deeply unenjoyable. Graphics, art style, music, sound, plot, characterisation, script, translation, camera, controls, system, networking, gameplay, and level of polish are overall of a generally below average quality.

Grade F (0-59%)
Grade F works are failures. Deeply flawed or broken in at least one significant regard, they should be avoided by all but the most inquisitive individuals, with poor design, construction, and presentation. There may be some workable aspects, but these are not enough to salvage the experience. Graphics, art style, music, sound, plot, characterisation, script, translation, camera, controls, system, networking, gameplay, and level of polish are overall of a generally poor quality.