Ethan ‘Ethos’ Pipher

General Editor
ethanpipher (at) lusipurr (dot) com

Ethan Pipher

Ethan Pipher

Nickname: Ethos

Birthday: 19 August

Job Class: Freelancer

Favorite Game: Final Fantasy IX

Favorite Genre: Japanese role-playing game

First System: Game Boy

Current Systems: Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo DSi, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable, Wii, Xbox 360

Twitter: EthoStar

Gaming Contacts
Nintendo 3DS: 1547-5167-8396
PlayStation Network: EthoStar
Steam: EthoStar
Xbox Live: Ethan Adams

I am called Ethan, Ethos, EthoStar, Johnny Pipes, and That Canadian Hipster. I am the guy who thinks a screensaver is the greatest game of this generation. I am also a supporter of eSports. I am thrilled to be back at to write for the great cat in the sky and for all of you.