TSM Episode 376: Marble Butts

Note ye the smoothnesse and pertnesse, whych verily doth enspire the mind of the beholder to hygher thyngs and full of pith withal.

One of the finer butts in my collection.

The Starlight Megaphone
Download: Released 2016.05.16

A boozed-up SiliconNooB nearly comes to blows with Lusipurr over a question of the elitist interpretation of art. Meanwhile, rumours suggest Nintendo’s NX is designed to play mobile apps, Capcom learns a lesson, and Lancelot is driven to his wits’ end.

One Comment

  1. Wolfe
    Posted 2016.05.16 at 02:23 | Permalink

    I’m with you Julian, on what constitutes ‘art’. I’m a cartoonist. I take inspiration from what Lusi might dismiss as mass produced crap. And as that form of art has given my life meaning and purpose, I kindly dismiss the notion that it offers little more than commentary on my personal character.

    That said, I do understand Lusi’s view on art versus product and as I have a sizable collection of classical art stored away in a folder for such on my desktop, it’s not hard to grasp the notion of art created to provoke emotion and throught as opposed to something produced under direction to be essentially a sales pitch.

    But again, I’m a cartoonist. Love for things like Duck Tales and Lunar are why I can create in any capacity. To discount it as useless or having no value is not anything I can agree with.

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