TSM Episode 362: Bup-emon Blue

It's something like this, except with a lot more farting, butt jokes, and hamburgers.

The glory that is Poke-Bup. Bup-emon. Whatever.

The Starlight Megaphone
Download: Released 2016.02.08

After SiliconNooB forgets his evening tipple, sobreity rears its ugly head and renders him unfit for service. Bup bestirs himself long enough to ruin the podcast in SiliconNooB’s stead, despite Lusipurr’s best efforts to keep everyone focused on Pokemon.


  1. Wolfe
    Posted 2016.02.08 at 11:27 | Permalink

    I wholeheartedly endorse the following expressions from this show:
    ‘Fuck Nintendo.’
    ‘Fuck Mirror’s Edge.’

  2. KisakiProject
    Posted 2016.02.08 at 15:06 | Permalink

    Bup is great as always.

  3. Lusipurr
    Posted 2016.02.08 at 15:08 | Permalink

    @Kisaki: For a qualified definition of ‘great’…

  4. Tharthan
    Posted 2016.02.10 at 17:13 | Permalink

    After much inner debate, I came to the conclusion that what I was missing was Lusi’s rants. Even though I left and said that I wouldn’t come back, I shall try once again to tune into The Starlight Megaphone, after many years of having been away.

  5. Lusipurr
    Posted 2016.02.10 at 17:19 | Permalink

    @Tharthan: Welcome back. If it is rants you want, then you are in luck. The dire state of gaming means that every week I have more to complain about than time can ever allow.

  6. Pit
    Posted 2016.02.11 at 04:51 | Permalink

    Great Episode.

    Tsm 362. RPGCast 374.

  7. Lusipurr
    Posted 2016.02.11 at 11:11 | Permalink


  8. Tharthan
    Posted 2016.02.11 at 13:12 | Permalink

    Roughly how far back do I have to go to find out why RP-err “Cat Fancy”, is no listed as recommended site to check out by the good webmaster, if you don’t mind saying?

    Like I said, I haven’t been here since some time before Gamergate began (it may have been a good bit of time even before that, but I can’t say for certain.)

    If you can’t recall, don’t worry about it. I can probably find it myself if I look back far enough.

  9. Lusipurr
    Posted 2016.02.11 at 13:49 | Permalink

    @Tharthan: It’s a good question, honestly. We never mentioned why I removed it. I suppose the ‘official’ answer would be because of Sabin’s CHURLISH attitude to gifts from our readers.

    The true answer is far more prosaic (and less entertaining): the ‘Suggested Reading’ box is designed to hold five links for aesthetic reasons. So, when I added either MythWeavers or DeepFreeze, I removed CatFancy. That said, I should probably remove MythWeavers today, so maybe CatFancy will make the cut.

    …But probably not! Instead, there should be an anime link down there.

  10. DiceAdmiral
    Posted 2016.02.12 at 18:24 | Permalink

    Info Blast XD Rebirth

    This week’s panel
    Silicon Noob

    Star Trek Online Ends Mac Support
    That’s pretty hilarious, but I don’t own anything Apple.

    H1Z1 splitting in two
    This makes very little sense.

    Motion Control Starfox
    Motion can be disabled
    In development hell due to motion controls
    I haven’t played a Starfox game since 64 and it doesn’t sound like I’m missing out. At least that control mode can be disabled?

    Mother 3 being localized in Eurpoe?
    I don’t get the hype, but I’ve never played an Earthbound game.

    Mirror’s Edge Calalyst Beta
    More like Meh-ror’s edge.

    Ramza genderswapped
    At least they don’t have to change the appearance much.

    New Mana game for iOS
    I think I played a GBA mana game; sword of mana maybe? I have no recollection about that game.

    Bup Talk
    Which classic Pokemon will Bup buy?
    I had Pokemon yellow back in the day and that is probably what I would get if I’d even managed to finish a game in either of the last 2 generations.

    Imitanis Literature Corner
    The Once and Future King by T.H. White
    Part 2 Chapter 4

    Imitanis Entertainment Moment
    This week I played Resistor. Resistor is a 2 player game ‘about’ hacking your opponents computer to set them to Defcon 4 so that they lose a hypothetical War Games war thing. Ya know… The theme really isn’t that important.

    Each player has a home computer that has two ports and there will be 7 double sided cards between the two computers with lines on them. The lines depicted on the cards may be red or blue and might go straight or cross or a few other things. The whole setup makes more sense in picture form The goal is to get a line of you color connecting from your base to your opponents’. On a players’ turn they must take a specific 3 actions, but can do them in any order. They can take one of the in play cards and turn it over, draw a card and discard one of their 2 or switch one of their cards for one of the in-play cards. It’s a pretty quick 2-player game but players will be greatly helped by being able to remember what each card’s back contains and that may be a deal-breaker. I enjoyed it, and would recommend it for 2 players with about the same level of memorization skills.

    DiceAdmiral Travel Moment
    I was once again in California. Aside from some business to be done, I also went to Sea World. I’m glad that I was able to see their Killer Whale show before they’re forced to end it by PETA wackos. I am not a chump, so I sat in the 5th row and spent the next 3 hours drying off. That really is a great park. They have a ton of cool animals and you can’t touch a dolphin at Disneyland (the manta rays were much more interesting to touch though).

    Since I was also in LA land I snapped a picture of The SAG AFTRA building since I failed last time. Recall that it is just 1 block from the La Brea Tarpits.

    Hopefully I can limit further California trips. Airplane seats have it out for my knees.

    “Which abstract concept of greed?”

    “Go polish your Gryffindor.”

    Final Notes
    I’m excited for the 2017 release of Greed.

    Cumulative total record holder: Imitanis
    Single Donation record holder: Imitanis

    Donators eligible for end of year drawing: 2

  11. Lusipurr
    Posted 2016.02.12 at 18:40 | Permalink

    Dice Admiral is blasting off again!

    That’s pretty hilarious, but I don’t own anything Apple.
    After getting the game running under Windows (I’ll talk more about this in TSM 363), it runs beautifully. I have also learned a great deal about the decision taken to close the Mac version. It’s not as much of a dick move as it seems. Stay tuned.

    At least that control mode can be disabled?
    As I understand it, that is no longer the case. I suppose we will find out very, very soon unless N. does the smart thing: delay the game, fix the controls, *then* ship it.

    I’ve never played an Earthbound game.
    VILLAIN! You should play Earthbound. Honestly, Mother 1 and Mother 3 can be passed up (they are good, but not omg!amazing), but Mother 2 is legendary for a reason.

    I think I played a GBA mana game; sword of mana maybe? I have no recollection about that game.
    You have no recollection of it because it was a really mediocre port of the first Seiken Densetsu (Mana) game, which was a GB title (released in NA as “Final Fantasy Adventure”). Seiken Densetsu is actually a pretty good game, especially by GB standards. Sword of Mana is just porridge.

    I had Pokemon yellow back in the day and that is probably what I would get if I’d even managed to finish a game in either of the last 2 generations.
    I finished Pokemon X this week (finally) after 200 hours of mostly Pokemon breeding and nothing else. It was the easiest PKMN game I’ve played, ever, but also one of the most enjoyable. I love the setting. Vive le Pokemon!

    Resistor is a 2 player game ‘about’ hacking your opponents computer
    This sentence KILLED my interest stone dead.

    The whole setup makes more sense in picture form
    I played a game like this when I was a kid. It was called Waterworks. One thing I still find impressive, years later, is that the card tray was shaped to look like a bathtub. I appreciate the attention to detail there.

    I’m excited for the 2017 release of Greed.
    It has been around ever since Adam got himself thrown out of the garden. Turn on the news!

  12. Bup
    Posted 2016.02.13 at 13:52 | Permalink

    @Lusi: Damn, I remember that Waterworks game. I think a friend had a copy.

    @Dice/Lusi: Yes, you should definitely check out Earthbound. It’s one of those rare games, or any sort of entertainment, that actually lives up to the hype and the praise that people give it.