Lusipurr and SiliconNooB try to discuss the Spring game selection, but end up talking about anime instead. Mighty No. 9 is delayed, and the history of the Saxons, Gaels, Picts, and Normans is detailed on the back of an England victory in South Africa!
Love the new intro music.
Should be interesting about the new Valkyria game’s soundtrack. I do love Yasunori Mitsuda’s music, but I did enjoy Hitoshi Sakimoto’s soundtracks for the other games. I’d have to agree with SiliconNooB that they have a very distinct “military” sound to them, which matched the first 3 games perfectly. At the same time though, “Knight of Fire” from the Xenogears OST would sound right in place in a Valkyria game so I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
>That pic at the top
That Selvaria pic will be going in my collection, thank you very much.Thanks again for the entertainment gentlemen, looking forward to the next.