When England goes down to one of the worst defeats in ODI history, SiliconNoob, Imitanis, and Mel rush to console Lusipurr with pictures from Wal*Mart. Traumatised, the Dear Leader takes to his bed. But worse, Scottish defeats loom just around the corner.
That Final Fantasy XV demo sounds truly awful….I wonder if this will be the death nail in Final Fantasy on consoles?
People of Walmart is a brilliant website. Gross, but brilliant.
@KisakiProject – It could be very popular.
Honestly, my biggest worry for XV isn’t that the combat will suck, but rather that it will be a Ubisoft style collectathon, a la Dragon Age Inquisition.
The thing with FFXV that kills me is that its some bros diving around on a bro trip. It’s the epitome of the focus tested garbage that is modern gaming.
I hadn’t thought about them making it a collectathon. Thanks for adding another fear to my growing list. I’m fine with the bro trip, fine with the car, with the open world, and even with Nomura’s zipper-loving host club pretty boys. The concern for me is the challenge. I was watching that video and every time they used a potion on someone with 0 HP, the amount recovered was different. When listening to the podcast, I thought that if they only get like 10 percent HP when coming back from 0, it wouldn’t be a big deal. It would be like a Phoenix Down (the shop prices would be messed up though). But in the video they sometimes got back like 70%! Also, I thought that everyone reaching 0 HP would mean game over but instead they ran away with Noctis and when they were out of battle range, everyone instantly revived with like 50% HP! NOOOOOOOO!
Xenoblade Chronicles would have been a crazy collectathon if it wasn’t for the fact that all of the sidequests are so pointless.
Also, I’m with Zoltan, the brotrip motif is the least of my worries, and I imagine that it is an undertaking that was incredibly close to Nomura’s heart.
Is TSM still on iTunes? I accidentally killed my computer and can’t find it.
I found it. Thank you!
I’m just looking forward to seeing Flappy Final Fantasy one day.
I was incredibly busy last week. I’ll try and drop an Info Past in here soon.